Last year, I began Car 9's competition blog the first night of the Formula SAE competition. However, this year, my intention had been to begin it much, much sooner. Unfortunately, other responsibilities reared their heads and thus here we are. Even though I have to be up in a couple of hours to drive to Michigan International Speedway for the first day of comp, I wanted to begin this blog tonight - it's still the eve of our first competition, and thus, one night earlier than last year.
The last several weeks have been spent testing Car 51 to prepare for one of the World's most intense engineering competitions: Formula SAE. Over the next several days, the team will battle with other schools from around the globe at the wonderful track in Brooklyn, Michigan for the title that most competitors want more than any other, that of Formula SAE Champion. Colleges from all over the United States and nearly 15 other countries on our planet have sent some of their greatest collegiate talent to this competition, all of whom have (and this I can say from personal experienece) given up nearly all rememberances of socializing, and completing any classwork, in an effort to make their creation; their 2008 Formula SAE car, the best in the world.
I'll leave you with an open invitation to come and join us this week at MIS. The competition begins tomorrow, but the racecars don't actually start moving until Friday and Saturday. However, any day that you can make it, please stop by and see us and our fellow collegiate competitors; I'm sure they would be just as excited to show you their cars as we are to talk with you about Car 51.
Go Green. Go White. Go Fast,
**Here are some snapshots to keep you occupied until tomorrow evening. All were taken during our recent testing at one of Car 51's Gold sponsors; Goodyear Tire and Rubber, in Akron, Ohio. A special thanks to all of the fine volunteers at Goodyear for having us down!
***Edit: Apparently and Safari don't get along too well, as I cannot upload any pictures. Check back tomorrow night and I'll have them up by then.
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